2023 LMBA AGM Attendance & Intent 2023 LMBA AGM Attendance & Intent Form 2023 LMBA AGM Intent Form Full Name * Email * Address 1 (Number and Street Name) Address 2 City Postal Code Application Details I am interested in the position of President Vice President Director I have a player that was registered with BRMBA in 2023 * Yes No I was affiliated with BRMBA in 2023 * Yes No 2023 Team(s) – include any outside affiliations Additional Information Agreements Membership in this Association shall be comprised of elected officials, parents of registered players from the current baseball season, coaches, carded umpires being of the age of eighteen (18) years or older, parents of carded umpires under 18 years and people holding committee, Convener positions and all self-paying players being of the age of eighteen (18) years or older, and other persons who have applied to the Executive for membership and have been so accepted. Membership entitles a member to voting privileges during fiscal year. I was a member of BRMBA in 2023. * Yes No If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit